Avizheh Daneh Pars Products

In previous discussions, we talked about various methods of processing full-fat soybeans, including flaking, roasting, microwave, micronizing, and extrusion. We also touched on basic topics related to animal feed and nutrition. In this article, we found it necessary to discuss the production products and various processing methods used at the Avijeh Dane Pars factory.

At the Avijeh Dane factory, two types of processed products are produced:

  1. Steam Flaking Method: In the first method, raw soybeans are flaked using steam. The processed soybeans then lose moisture and dry in drum dryers.

  2. Micronizing Technology: The second processing method also involves flaking raw soybeans, which is entirely similar to the first method up to the flaking stage. However, part of the cooking and drying stage of flaked soybeans occurs using infrared technology.

The final product of both methods is full-fat flaked soybeans.

These products undergo daily quality assessments based on moisture and urease tests (the purpose of the urease test is to evaluate the processing of soybeans and ensure the elimination of anti-nutritional factors in the final product). This ensures that high-quality products are available to the livestock feed industry and livestock and poultry farms.

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